PowervRNI 1.8 Release Notes

PowervRNI 1.8 Release Notes


Fri Mar 27



PowervRNI 1.8 is now available on the PowerShellGallery! This is a minor release; a few fixes, and 2 additions. Here are the full release notes:

  • Fix adding timestamp to flows
  • Fix adding ServiceNow datasources
  • Fix cosmetic warning when using Get-vRNIDataSource without parameters.
  • Add Dell OS10 switches as a Data Source type
  • Add Get-vRNIEntityNames to get entity info on multiple entity ids at once.

A few more details:

Dell OS10 Support

You can now use dellos10switch as a value for the DataSourceType parameter, in order to add these types of switches as a data source with New-vRNIDataSource, or retrieving information with Get-vRNIDataSource.


This new function provides the ability to resolve multiple internal entity IDs, to their names. This can be useful when working with large sets of inventory data, like VMs, hosts, switches, and even flows. 

PS > Get-vRNIEntityNames -EntityIDs ("11175:1:7330312615408343625", "11175:1:9098761923363594726") -EntityType VirtualMachine | Select entity

@{entity_id=11175:1:7330312615408343625; name=sc2li-master; entity_type=VirtualMachin…
@{entity_id=11175:1:9098761923363594726; name=tag-01; entity_type=VirtualMachine; ip_…

Updating to 1.8

Since this is a PowerShellGallery release, updating is as easy as pie! Just execute this:

PS > Update-Module PowervRNI