UCS Inventory Script

The UCS Inventory Script (UIS) is a PowerTool script that retrieves the full configuration of an UCS Manager and displays it in a very readable and portable HTML file for offline use. It also includes some configuration recommendations that come from experience implementing FlexPods. Disclaimer: These recommendations are not official recommendations from Cisco, but taken from experience from the field.

I wrote this script to get an easy overview of UCS installations after completing the initial build. To answer basic questions like “How many port licenses do we have left?” or “Did we create VLAN X?” - when you have no easy connectivity to the management console.

It evolved into a script that gets run periodically to retrieve up to date information and serve as attachment to delivery documents.

This script requires an installed PowerShell and Ciscos PowerTool, make sure you have them installed and working before you try running the UCS Inventory Script.

Running the script

You can run the script without arguments; it will ask you for the required input. You can also run the script with the arguments required to run. If you want to run it in a scheduled task, run it with all the arguments.

.\UCS-Inventory-Script-v1.2.ps1 -UCSM UCS-Cluster-01.cosco.com -OutFile
    UCS-Cluster-01.html \ -Username ucsUsername -Password ucsPassword -UCSM: UCS
    Manager IP address or hostname -OutFile: The filename used to output the
    generated HTML -Username: Username used to login to UCS Manager -Password:
    Password used to login to UCS Manager

Multiple UCS Managers

OR you can use a CSV file with the information about multiple UCS Managers. The command looks a bit different in that case:

.\UCS-Inventory-Script.ps1 -CSVFile c:\ucs-domains.csv -CSVFile: CSV file
    with info on one or more UCS Manager.

Storing Passwords in CSV

The password of the UCS Manager login is stored in the CSV in an encrypted format. You can generate that encrypted format by using the -GeneratePassword parameter.

.\UCS-Inventory-Script.ps1 -GeneratePassword Please enter your password:
    MyPassword Done! Here's your encrypted password, save this in the CSV:

Take that very long string and put it in the “Encrypted Password” column of the CSV.

Logging output

If you're using this script in an automated fashion, it might be useful to log the scripts output. You can use the -LogFile parameter for that:

.\UCS-Inventory-Script.ps1 -LogFile c:\uis.log -LogFile: Destination log

Example Output

Before you download and run it yourself, you can check here if this will fit your needs. This example contains the output of a testlab with a simple setup.

If there are any changes you'd like to see, more information or other recommendations. Send me a message and I'll see what I can do to include it!


v1.3 - 17-04-2016 - Added multiple UCS Manager support via a CSV file and
    logging to a file. v1.2 - 30-06-2014 - Added a recommendations tab for
    configuration and health recommendations, taken from experience in the
    field. v1.1 - 30-12-2013 - Add arguments for the require input data, allow
    it to run as a scheduled task. v1.0 - 25-11-2013 - First version; capture
    every bit of information from UCS Manager I could think of.