CategoryHome Automation

Tunneling Plugwise Smile P1 Stats to Grafana

Hi! It's been a while. I'm going to (re)start sharing solutions to problems that I'm building things for. Expect posts mostly around coding and IoT. Starting with this post; a quick tutorial on how to get power statistics from a Plugwise Smile P1 gateway to Grafana, using Telegraf.

I've got solar panels with Enphase inverters with central management, which has an API. Its been streaming power generation stats to Grafana using this solution, for a while. Recently, I added a Plugwise Smile P1 gateway to monitor the smart meter and I wanted to get its power stats into

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Raspberry Pi + ePaper Display + SurePet Flap

One of the reasons I got a SurePet SureFlap, was to be able to tell whether or not the cat is in the house. Another reason is to lock the flap remotely, but more on that later. I've also always wanted to play with an ePaper display. ePaper (or eInk) displays are awesome because they can be programmed to display stuff, and it doesn't use any power to keep the data on the screen.

Another requirement was that the ePaper controller needed to be low power. What else than a Raspberry Pi? So, I put together a Raspberry Pi … Read more

My Home Automation Gear

I've mostly kept this blog around virtualization technology. Over the last few months, I've had more and more conversations about home automation and how my house is tricked out. A lot of people seem to be interested in my setup, so I'm going to start sharing more on the gear, workflows & results. 🙂

Starting with my gear, this is a list of lights, switches, and other sensors to get ideas from.

Also: this is not an invitation to rob me. 😛 


Let's start with the central hub(s). My primary orchestrator is a Fibaro Home Center 2, which … Read more

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