
Tunneling Plugwise Smile P1 Stats to Grafana

Hi! It's been a while. I'm going to (re)start sharing solutions to problems that I'm building things for. Expect posts mostly around coding and IoT. Starting with this post; a quick tutorial on how to get power statistics from a Plugwise Smile P1 gateway to Grafana, using Telegraf.

I've got solar panels with Enphase inverters with central management, which has an API. Its been streaming power generation stats to Grafana using this solution, for a while. Recently, I added a Plugwise Smile P1 gateway to monitor the smart meter and I wanted to get its power stats into

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Raspberry Pi + ePaper Display + SurePet Flap

One of the reasons I got a SurePet SureFlap, was to be able to tell whether or not the cat is in the house. Another reason is to lock the flap remotely, but more on that later. I've also always wanted to play with an ePaper display. ePaper (or eInk) displays are awesome because they can be programmed to display stuff, and it doesn't use any power to keep the data on the screen.

Another requirement was that the ePaper controller needed to be low power. What else than a Raspberry Pi? So, I put together a Raspberry Pi … Read more

Transferring Applications between vRealize Network Insight instances

Let's say you have multiple vRealize Network Insight instances. Maybe a staging instance for trying new searches, alerts, or other configuration - and a production instance. Or you're migrating from an on-premises instance to a vRealize Network Insight Cloud instance. Or you just want a backup of the hard work you put into curating the applications. As with many things; there's an API and script for that!

Python SDK & Examples

The Python SDK is a library generated automatically by the OpenAPI specification that vRealize Network Insight has baked in. In addition, it has a ton of example scripts that … Read more

Integrating vRealize Automation Cloud & vRealize Network Insight Cloud

When you have vRealize Automation in place to deploy applications, vRA is the source of truth when it comes to the application landscape. It makes sense to treat it that way, and not have other products (like vRealize Operations or vRealize Network Insight) have to discover those newly deployed applications on their own. Which is what this post is about!

Before you continue, I'll not be going too deep into vRA, vRNI, or the Extensibility in vRA that makes this happen and assume you know the basic of those products and features. This post explain how to get your vRA … Read more

vRealize Automation Action – SSH to Servers Post-Deployment

In the VMware CMBU lab, I built something cool that I wanted to share. Creating a demo for vRealize Network Insights featured called Flow-based Application Discovery, I needed to get applications running in the lab to dynamically resize from time to time. In a demo three tiered application; add one or two web or app servers, or remove them. Flow-based application discovery would then detect the change and suggest updating the application in Network Insight. 

One of the requirements is that there has to be traffic going between all servers before application discovery picks it up. That's what led me … Read more

Archiving Network Flows from vRealize Network Insight to Log Insight

vRealize Network Insight (vRNI) captures all traffic going through the network. It stores the traffic in flow records, and these are made up out of a source, destination, protocol, and port number. The metrics are attached so you can get a nice graph of the traffic behavior.

vRNI Flows and context

After creating the flow, vRNI goes on and attaches a lot of context to that flow: Is it coming from a VM? Is there a firewall rule attached? Which vCenter is this flow going through? What kind of SD-WAN Policies are attached? If any of this context changes (i.e., a VM got renamed), … Read more

Exporting Dashboards from vRealize Log Insight with Python

You can create some pretty cool and quick dashboards with vRealize Log Insight. Send it some data, set some filters, and create widgets that represent the data in a good way. 

I just finished creating some good usage dashboards for the vRealize Network Insight Field Demo instances we have. The NGINX logs are sent via the log insight agent to vRLI, and then I filter out the unique visitors, popular searches, pinboards, and more. I wanted to see how often the field demo gets used and what's being used.

The only problem is that vRLI doesn't support generating scheduled reports, … Read more

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