TagNetwork Insight

Syncing Flows between vRealize Network Insight Collectors

There are a few reasons you’d want to have multiple Network Insight instances collecting data from the same data sources. Maybe one is a staging instance, and the other is a production instance. Perhaps you’re rebuilding Network Insight on another instance (and can’t move the existing one), but do want to have them running parallel for some time. I could go on.

One of the challenges is being able to collect network flows in both instances, as vSphere can only send flows to a single collector IP. You could solve this with a NetFlow duplicator, but now there’s another … Read more

Time for a change!

I’m close to working at VMware as an NSBU Pre-Sales Systems Engineer for 3 years now. Focusing fully on NSX (and all its family members) has always been a dream come true. I believe the way VMware executes on software-defined networking (SD-everything, really) is the future and good things are happening because of it.


I don’t think I’ve made it a secret that I’m pretty much in love with Network Insight. Ever since I found it in 2014 (when it was still called Arkin) and I got it into the cloud proposition that I managed, it significantly changed my … Read more

Using PowervRNI to connect to Network Insight SaaS

VMware is pretty heavily invested in the cloud. Not only to manage your cloud environments, but also products as Software-as-a-Service offerings, next to the regular on-premises offerings. At the time of this post, there are 19 VMware products that you can purchase via the SaaS model. This is a variation between models like VMware Cloud on AWS where you get an Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Network Insight where you get the product hosted in the cloud.

Network Insight SaaS

So there’s a SaaS version of Network Insight. Effectively, this means that the Platform (the user-interface and data repository) is hosted in the … Read more

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