
Updated: Cisco UCS Inventory Script

A few years ago, I created the first version of the Cisco UCS Inventory Script (UIS), a PowerShell script to read all the configuration and environment data from a UCS Manager. It can help you to get an easy overview of UCS installations after completing the initial build, or on an ongoing basis. To answer basic questions like “How many port licenses do we have left?” or “Did we create VLAN X?” – when you have no easy connectivity to the management console.

Next to reporting configuration and environment data, it also provides some basic recommendations about the configuration.

The … Read more

Cisco UCS Inventory Script

The UCS Inventory Script (UIS) is a tool written in Powershell (using the awesome Cisco Powertool plugin) which I've been using for a while in my job, gathering all the configuration data at the end of a build.

That way, I had a reference containing every detail of the UCS configuration to look back to. When an issue came around after we left, we could check back and see in what state we left UCS and if all the proper configuration was done.

Recently, I've started updating this script to include everything that I could think of and started adding … Read more

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