
vCloud Director: Removing Network from a vApp without shutting it down

Caution: this is not supported by VMware. This is ‘this is possible’ post, not a standard procedure. Take care if you go forward.

Within vCloud Director, you can dynamically add networks to vApps and virtual machines, just as within vSphere. Moving the network of a virtual machine from networkA to networkB within vCloud Director is also a non-disruptive operation, as it should be. But for some reason, the removal of a network from a vApp, requires the entire vApp to be shut down. Ever since I’ve started working with vCloud Director, I’ve been asking VMware why that is (as it’s … Read more

VMware VXLAN Host Preparation: Add virtual NIC: Unknown error

During the implemention of a private cloud solution using vSphere and vCloud Director, there was the need to reinstall the ESXi hosts with a custom ISO. At that point the vSphere platform was already deployed, vShield Manager and vCloud Director were running and integrated with each other, and the VXLAN preparations (transport VLAN added, vmknics were deployed and active and the segment networks config) we’re already done. VXLAN Network deployment was working and the vShield Manager and vCloud Director were happy with the vSphere environment.


After the ESXi host reinstall, it got its Host Profile back and was added … Read more

vCloud Integration Manager

VMware just announced a new addition to their vCloud product family; vCloud Integration Manager.

vCloud Integration Manager was developed to provide a simple and standardized way for service providers to provision vCloud Director, vShield and vSphere in order to more quickly get new customers up and running on a cloud service. Until now, service providers either had to do these tasks manually, or redirect valuable software development resources to writing undifferentiated “glue code” and/or automation scripts.

Integration Manager reduces operational costs by automatically stepping through the configuration process for vCloud Director to set up Virtual Data Centers, virtual networks, administrator … Read more

Removing vCloud Agent from ESX(i) host

When you’re like me, you just go ahead and install stuff without taking the time to read if the software you’re installing can be upgraded later. Dive head first. 😉

Often with beta software, an upgrade path to a release build is lacking or problematic. Same goes for vCloud Director 1.5 beta to the release build of 1.5. When I upgraded to the release build, I did so without ‘Unpreparing’ the ESXi hosts that were being used by vCloud Director. That causes some problems when you want to link a new vCloud Director to these ESXi hosts, as the vCloud … Read more

VMware vCloud Director SSL certificates

vCloud Director uses a java keystore to read its SSL certificates from. This makes it a bit more complicated to use an existing certificate and private key set. Took me a while to figure out, so I’m sharing.

In this example I created /opt/vmware/keystore for the certificate files. The ssl-key.pem and ssl-cert.pem are the existing certificate files. Furthermore, I used ‘passed’ as the keystore and alias password. (needed for the vCD configuration)

Firstly, we need to convert the key and certificate to a DER format:

[[email protected] keystore]# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/jre/bin
[[email protected] keystore]# openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in ssl-key.pem -inform PEM -out 
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