
Cisco UCS Manager Finally gets HTML5 interface

Cisco released version 3.0(2c) (release notes here) of its UCS Infrastructure and UCS Manager software (still UCS Mini only) on the 13th of March, and it has 3 new major features: Fibre channel NPV mode, Ethernet switch mode and a HTML5 web interface for UCS Manager.

While the FC NPV and Ethernet switch modes are pretty exciting as well, they are basically just ports from regular UCS. The HTML5 web interface is an entire new feature, which eliminates the need for java. No more keeping different versions of java, activating an older version when you need to login to … Read more

Cisco UCS Mini – a deep dive

In September 2014, Cisco launched the UCS Mini for what they dubbed "Edge-Scale Computing". The UCS Mini offering is a stripped down version of the classic UCS system with Fabric Interconnects. To learn about classic UCS, click here.

In this post I will go into some details about the UCS Mini that I've learned over the past few months. The information here will assume you have the basic knowledge about what the UCS Mini is and what components are involved. If you need a refresher, I've written up a small introduction here.

Let's dive in.

Fabric Interconnect

The … Read more

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