
VCIX-NV Objective 6.1 – Configure and Administer Firewall Services

This post is part of my VMware VCIX-NV Study Guide and covers managing the different firewall options that NSX has.




NSX Firewalls
There are several security measures inside the NSX platform. When it comes to firewalls, you have two options; the Edge Services Gateway Firewall or the Distributed Firewall.

The first one can act … Read more

VCIX-NV Objective 3.3 – Configure and Manage DHCP/DNS/NAT

This post is part of my VMware VCIX-NV Study Guide and is about a collection of services on the NSX Edge Services Gateway: DHCP, DNS and NAT.




DHCP, DNS and NAT services
An edge router/firewall wouldn't be complete with services like DHCP, DNS and NAT (source and destination), so the NSX Edge Services Gateway has these … Read more

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