
Using Laravel Dusk to download Paddle payout PDFs

When you have multiple Paddle accounts for different products—monthly accounting tasks end up consuming more time than you’d like. For each payout, I’d log into all my accounts, download the payout PDFs split up between the US and RoW (rest of world) regions, and import them into my accounting software. After a few times, I decided to automate it using Laravel Dusk and I figured I’d share the solution here.

This blog post introduces a new GitHub repository that uses Laravel Dusk to log into Paddle’s web interface, navigate to the payouts page, and download payout PDFs. If you find … Read more

My first PHP package: the Discord Table Builder

Something has been bothering me for a long time. I’ve got a ton of good, kind of modular PHP code, and I’ve failed to make time to publish any of it for a long time. But today, I published my first PHP package on Packagist. 😊

Discord Table Builder

For WhatPulse, we wanted to publish the weekly leaderboard on our Discord server for some community rivalry. But, the Discord API doesn’t have built-in support for tables or any easy way to format tabular data. I wanted something like this:

Discord table builder in action

After searching for an existing solution and coming up empty, … Read more

Exporting your Amazon Kindle Highlights & Notes to MySQL

As a wise man said; now for something completely different. This post is going to be just that.

I received a Amazon Kindle on christmas and absolutely love it. It has replaced hauling around a bunch of physical books and made my life a lot easier when it comes to managing highlights and notes about the topics in the books (I read a lot of educational text).

Previously I had a physical notebook with me that I translated into electronic notes by hand. I use Evernote for all my note taking purposes. With the Kindle, all your highlights and notes … Read more

Introducing the VMware NSX for vSphere PHP Framework

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on a VMware NSX integration with one of my existing PHP applications. This application is tied into a development process with a new testing schematic which needed to use a the NSX features to test the code inside a tiered network setup. Of course, this needed to be automated and available on demand; enter the NSX API. Using the NSX API, I’ve been able to integrate network deployment and configuration inside the existing application (with not a lot of effort).

After getting a few requests from fellow NSX enthusiasts, I’ve decided … Read more

PHP4 IPv6 validation

Incase you don’t have the luxury of PHP5’s filter_ functions, this is a handy regexp:

function validate_ipv6($ip)
$hex = ‘[A-Fa-f0-9]’;
$h16 = “{$hex}{1,4}”;
$dec_octet = ‘(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]d|[0-9])’;
$ipv4 = “$dec_octet.$dec_octet.$dec_octet.$dec_octet”;
$ls32 = “(?:$h16:$h16|$ipv4)”;
$ipv6 = “(?:(?:{$IPv4address})|(?:”.
“(?:$h16:){6}$ls32” .
“|::(?:$h16:){5}$ls32” .
“|(?:$h16)?::(?:$h16:){4}$ls32” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,1}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){3}$ls32” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,2}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){2}$ls32” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,3}$h16)?::(?:$h16:){1}$ls32” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,4}$h16)?::$ls32” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,5}$h16)?::$h16” .
“|(?:(?:$h16:){0,6}$h16)?::” .

$regex = “/^$ipv6$/”;
return preg_match($regex, $ip);

Read more

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