vSphere Web Client 5.1: Must be registered with the Lookup Service

When using the "Simple Install" to install a new vCenter setup, you might encounter the following error when trying to register the vCenter server to the Web interface:

The vSphere Web Client Administration Tool only supports registration of vCenter Server version 5.0. For newer versions, the vCenter Server system must be registered with the Lookup Service to allow the vSphere Web Client to discover the system.

To resolve this, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the vSphere Web client as the admin account (admin@System-Domain) you created during the vCenter server installation
  • Browse to "Administration -> SSO Users and Groups"
  • Browse to the "Groups" tab and click on "__Administrators__"
  • Click "Add Princilpals"
  • Select our vCenter server as the identity source and add the user "Administrator" to the list

Then login as "Administrator" in to the vSphere Web client, you should see the vCenter server listed in the objects. No further registration needed.

Share the wealth!


  1. thats it … solved my Problem thanks

  2. This is gold… thank you!

  3. Seth Brody Mitchell

    January 29, 2013 at 22:27

    Would like to comment that this was the most helpful explanation I have found regarding this error. Thank you.

  4. Thank You, ThankYou,
    After spending hours on VMware support and elsewhere looking for support, not getting anywhere , you have solved the problem.

  5. Thank U

    Very Good ……

  6. Thanks,

    After a day of work without getting work, this tip solved the problem.

  7. Was trying for couple of hours and scratching head…..and then came to this page. you saved time. Rock ON!!

  8. thank you … it finally work

  9. Well done – thank you

  10. Thank you …. two days lost with lookup service!!!!!!

  11. Thanks a lot, i don’t know what i just did but it works perfectly

  12. Brett Herman

    May 23, 2013 at 01:55

    Worked for me. I added myself as the user and it worked fine.

  13. Thank you very much. After my 4th installation (I had assumed that there was something wrong with how my server registered with the DNS server) this is now working. Lifesaver… I’m going to send you a fruit basket or something.

  14. Got it working, but can’t log in with “username” alone.
    Need to be username@FQDN
    Any way to set it to automatically append the AD domain?

  15. Thanks! Very good trick.

  16. Wow, this saved my bacon. Thanks!!

    I’m just glad I documented my admin@System-Domain Password!!!

    Thanks again!!

  17. Thx man!!! after 2 years, your post still keep helping us. It worked for me


  18. Thanks!..It worked for me too..

  19. Nishant Rapate

    January 16, 2014 at 08:20

    I have searched everywhere even on Vmware site they have shown videos but nothing worked for me, but your provided solution worked as a charm. Superb… Keep it up.

    Keep posting such a amazing articles to help others and make this world talented.

    Thanks a Ton!

  20. Works great!

  21. Thanks man….you are the life saver 😉 🙂

  22. Jeremias Casimiro

    November 22, 2014 at 18:31

    Thanks a lot bro.

  23. Thanks a lot !!!

  24. Greetings,
    Thank you for the documentation but i still have a problem. I can not locate vCenter as the identity Source. Can you help?
    Thank you in advance.

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