
Getting a list of VDS Portgroups from the vCenter Database

Disclaimer: this is not something for production environments (at least, I hope for your sake, GSS should be able to fix it), but more for test or homelab environments.

Say your vCenter is broken. And I mean really really broken to the point where you can’t get the services to run anymore and you either go through a VMware GSS case and hope they can fix it. I’m good at breaking things and somehow (don’t ask) got to a point where I had broken the SSO and Inventory services and couldn’t get them back up.

I’m not a fan … Read more

Editing uneditable VMs in vCenter

Certain service appliances cannot be edited manually inside vCenter. For instance, VMware NSX Edge appliances are an example of such service appliances. These VMs are managed by the NSX Manager and you shouldn’t change their configuration manually. Normally. 😉

But sometimes you need to edit those VMs. There are not many reasons why you would want to do this (as it’s heavily unsupported), but one reason might be to free up resources in your home lab (which is exactly why I wanted to do this). For instance, NSX Edge appliances come with a CPU & memory reservation placed on … Read more

VMware NSX 6.2: Support for Multiple vCenters

VMware NSX 6.2 dropped yesterday with some pretty awesome features. I’ll be going through most features in separate posts and this one is for the Cross-vCenter feature. Before 6.2, the NSX Manager and vCenter had a one to one relationship, making certain dual datacenter designs quite difficult. Unless you had deployed stretched clusters, your network policies were linked to one site (unless you scripted your way out). With NSX 6.2, this changes in a big way.

NSX 6.2 introduces Cross-vCenter, which allows you to deploy multiple NSX Managers (up to eight!) that synchronise their configuration. The NSX … Read more

VMware vCenter 5.5 Update 2 released!

VMware has released vCenter 5.5 Update 2 today. Most of the updates are basic product support updates, like support for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and removing support for IBM DB2. There are a bunch of bug fixes in there as well. For the full list, check here.

One particular change was a bit buried in the release notes and was not mentioned in the blog post, which tries to say it’s not a major change. However, for VMware administrators, this might be the most important change in Update 2 and the reason they will upgrade; In Update 2, you … Read more

vCenter plugin URLs

When installing various VMware products that link into vCenter (vShield, vCloud Connector, vChargeback, I could go on..), you often have minimal control over what URL is actually used to browse to the plugin and you usually can’t change it later on. This can screw up your SSL certificate plans.

After a little digging, I found these tables in the SQL database:


Both have a field called ‘URL’ which has the URL (doh) to the plugin.

Two things; this is not supported by VMware and could break something. I hasn’t on my setup, but it might on … Read more

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