
Cisco vPC between VDCs in single Nexus 7k (Lab)

Cisco virtual Port-channels technology is a pretty straight-forward technique: make two switches seem like one switch to a downstream switch, connected with a port-channel. The downstream switch has a single port-channel going upward, which makes the switch high available and eliminating the use of spanning-tree. It looks like this:

vPC in single N7k

Read more about vPC here. For the rest of this post, I'll assume you know how to configure and use vPC.

In a lab where you have a single Nexus 7000 switch for testing and studying, you would divide it up into VDCs for ultimate usage. OTV, Fabricpath and the … Read more

Ultimate Cisco Nexus FCoE Configuration Guide

This post is part of my CCIE Datacenter reference series and will cover all there is to get FCoE up and running on the Cisco Nexus 7k, 5k and 2k switches.

The text assumes you have a understanding knowledge of fundamentals (storage paths, flogis, vPC, etc) and can be used as a configuration reference (I basically wrote this for myself).

Installing & Enabling FCoE

Nexus 7K

Installing and enabling FCoE on the Nexus 7k involves getting the storage VDC up and running. This section will cover just that.


The Nexus 7k comes with a default QoS policy of default-nq-8e-policy, … Read more

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