
Learning NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud – The Basics

This post is a part of my NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud series to dive deeper into the acquisition of VeloCloud by VMware, late last year. I’ve had the privilege to play around with the virtual appliance for a couple of months with a physical appliance on the way. Expect more details in this series. ?

The upcoming chapters are building up the components that are in the VeloCloud portfolio and the components that you need to know.

Edge Appliances

An Edge Appliance is a physical or virtual appliance which is in the data path of your network traffic. It typically … Read more

Host Preparation Troubleshooting Enhancements with NSX 6.3.5

VMware NSX 6.3.5 was released last week. This is a maintenance release and addresses 32 issues in previous versions. You can find the release notes here.

One thing caught my eye which is a very welcome addition to 6.3.5;

  • Host prep now has troubleshooting enhancements, including additional information for “not ready” errors

As the release notes don’t go into detail what that exactly means, I did some digging. From 6.3.5 and above, the NSX UI will now show the failure messages from EAM when the host preparation fails. For instance, you’ll see if the communication between EAM and the … Read more

Getting a list of VDS Portgroups from the vCenter Database

Disclaimer: this is not something for production environments (at least, I hope for your sake, GSS should be able to fix it), but more for test or homelab environments.

Say your vCenter is broken. And I mean really really broken to the point where you can’t get the services to run anymore and you either go through a VMware GSS case and hope they can fix it. I’m good at breaking things and somehow (don’t ask) got to a point where I had broken the SSO and Inventory services and couldn’t get them back up.

I’m not a fan … Read more

VMworld – Making the most of your time

VMworld Europe is next week! This is always the highlight of my year, mostly for 2 reasons: 1) all kinds of awesome new virtualization technology is either announced or released, and reason 2) my favorite; the best minds of the virtualization community gather and share thoughts, learning from each other. In the last 7 years I’ve attended VMworld, there’s a few things I picked up and I wanted to share.

There’s a LOT to do

If you wanted, you could fill up about 6 months full time with all the content that’s available on VMworld. The tricky part is that … Read more

How to define two NetFlow targets in vSphere VDS

Sorry, you actually can’t configure two Netflow targets in vSphere. 😉

HOWEVER! There’s a way around this limitation. Currently, the VDS only supports one Netflow target IP address to send NetFlow to. This limitation can cause some issues when you want to employ multiple Netflow collectors, for instance an existing Network Management System (NMS) and do a vRealize Network Insight Assessment.

What is Netflow?

I’m not going to explain Netflow in depth, but just to set the stage here’s a small summary. Netflow is a protocol that allows you to collect information about what traffic flows are going through … Read more

Editing uneditable VMs in vCenter

Certain service appliances cannot be edited manually inside vCenter. For instance, VMware NSX Edge appliances are an example of such service appliances. These VMs are managed by the NSX Manager and you shouldn’t change their configuration manually. Normally. 😉

But sometimes you need to edit those VMs. There are not many reasons why you would want to do this (as it’s heavily unsupported), but one reason might be to free up resources in your home lab (which is exactly why I wanted to do this). For instance, NSX Edge appliances come with a CPU & memory reservation placed on … Read more

New VMware Fling – Autopology (Drag and Drop NSX Network Topologies? Yes Please!)

The VMware Fling labs is one of my favourite things, as it brings some awesome new tech straight from VMware R&D. Some of these flings flow to the product cycles (remember the HTML5 client, now default in vCenter?). And they did it again!

Ever since I’ve seen an internal session about this product, I’ve been anxiously waiting for it to be released (one way or another). Autopology just dropped on the Flings website. Autopology is a translator between your network drawings and the real-life configuration. It is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor where you can create drawings of a network topology and … Read more

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