
Slack Notifications for Incoming Chatwoot Messages

I recently discovered Chatwoot, an open-source customer engagement platform that lets you manage conversations with customers via a website widget, email, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Before finding Chatwoot, I was using Reamaze – a similar service that adds a knowledge base and offers the same omnichannel chat service.

I’ve not been too happy with the knowledge base that Reamaze offers, as it doesn’t let you customize much. There are categories to put articles in, but no way to determine how the table of contents is presented. No ability to send the user through an onboarding guide. Docusaurus is taking … Read more

Bulk Creating AWS VPC Flow Logs

vRealize Network Insight provides traffic visibility in AWS by ingesting the VPC Flow Logs. It correlates the flows to EC2 instances and adds more context, like the security groups, tags, and more. 

VPC Flow Logs are not enabled by default and need to be configured before vRNI can start ingesting the logs. That’s where this post comes in. The AWS lab that I use at VMware for demos is for the entire CMBU and has a bunch of smart people doing cool things. In other words, a ton of VPCs get created and deleted, EC2 instances deployed dynamically. I wanted … Read more

Managing GNS3 with PowerShell

If you’re a network engineer or like to play around with networks, you’ve used GNS3 (or something similar, like VIRL) to simulate networks to prepare for live configuration changes, preparing for certifications, and maybe keep a demo lab. Part of the demo lab I maintain for vRealize Network Insight, is collecting from a GNS3 network.

Sometimes, you need to restart all, or just some of the nodes. In my case, periodic node restarts are to simulate router crashes, and sometimes the storage underneath GNS3 would error and some of the nodes have kernel panics. All reasons to restart the … Read more

PowervRNI 1.8 Release Notes

PowervRNI 1.8 is now available on the PowerShellGallery! This is a minor release; a few fixes, and 2 additions. Here are the full release notes:

  • Fix adding timestamp to flows
  • Fix adding ServiceNow datasources
  • Fix cosmetic warning when using Get-vRNIDataSource without parameters.
  • Add Dell OS10 switches as a Data Source type
  • Add Get-vRNIEntityNames to get entity info on multiple entity ids at once.

A few more details:

Dell OS10 Support

You can now use dellos10switch as a value for the DataSourceType parameter, in order to add these types of switches as a data source with New-vRNIDataSource, or retrieving … Read more

PowervRNI 1.7: What’s New?

Version 1.7 of PowervRNI was released yesterday, and this post covers what’s new in this version. If you’re not familiar with PowervRNI, it is a PowerShell module that you can use to manage vRealize Network Insight. From adding data sources & applications, to retrieve data from it, such a network flows, PowervRNI covers most of the public API endpoints of Network Insight.

What’s New?

A bunch! First off, it has been updated to support the new data sources and API calls that have been added in Network Insight 5.0. Second, I’ve added a few backlog items. I’ll … Read more

Developing PowerShell with Visual Studio Code in Containers

Visual Studio Code is one of the best things to come out of Microsoft. No kidding. I’ve been using it for development since early 2018 and it keeps on getting better. The customization possibilities are endless and the number of extensions is impressive. You can find everything, from themes to lint parsers, to code beautifiers. There’s also an extension for Remote Development, which is the focus for this post.

Remote Development

I’ve been coding for a while, and I typically do this on a remote server for a couple of reasons:

  1. You don’t need the dependencies installed locally or mess
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Finishing a Fresh MacOS Install in 21 Minutes

When you’re lucky, like me, you get a new laptop every 2-3 years. Last week was my turn! I swear by MacOS and luckily VMware supplies us with the option between a Dell and a MacBook Pro (sorry Michael, but that’s an easy choice).

As you would expect, VMware does a great deal to make it easy for employees to get to work and our MacBooks are pre-installed and hooked up to Workspace ONE for work application deployment.

There are quite a few applications that I use that are not in the catalogue, though. So I usually spend a couple … Read more

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