Veeam Backup & Replication has a pretty extensive PowerShell extension, added to the Veeam Backup & Replication Management server by default. You can do a lot of cool stuff with it, ranging from just getting information about backup jobs to configuring new backup jobs and restoring items.

One of the clouds that I helped get out of the fog machine, uses Veeam B&R as its backup solution. Works like a charm for multi tenant environment, using the Enterprise Manager. As the nature of the cloud is dynamic, which includes the billing, I had the pleasure of creating a link between the Veeam deployment and a billing system. This was based on the amount of storage used by the clients virtual machines.

While creating this script, I found a lot of examples of scripts reporting the status of backup jobs, but no proper examples on how to report the backup jobs storage size. So after figuring it out and completing the billing script, I decided to put the part about getting the job size on GitHub.

So here it is!

Link to GitHub


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