NSX-v 6.4.1 Released – Extended HTML5, vSphere 6.7 support & more

NSX for vSphere 6.4.1 has been released and it brings a couple of good nuggets. Most of all, it is now compatible with vSphere 6.7 - so if you want to go to vSphere 6.7 and NSX was holding you back, start your upgrade engines!

HTML5 UI Extended

It fills me with joy to see this happening - 6.4.1 brings a bunch of new functionality to the HTML5 UI instead of the old vSphere-Client UI. The additions are:

  • Distributed Firewall Management
  • The Service Composer: Security Groups, Policies and Tags.
  • SpoofGuard Management
  • IPFIX Configuration & Flow Monitoring
  • Groups & Tags: all the IP & MAC Sets, Services and IP Pools

This is another good step to be ridden of the vSphere-Client interface. Hopefully, next NSX-v release will include Edge management - which means I can do almost all of my operations via the HTML5 UI. 🙂

Operational Improvements

There are a couple of enhancements that are meant to make your life easier:

  • Automatic Backups before an upgrade
  • There's a new alarm that triggers when a SSL certificate expires
  • SpoofGuard now does bulk approvals
  • Application Rule Manager (ARM) can now create Universal objects, if you're working with a cross-vCenter environment
  • The Load Balancer Pool scale has been increased from 32 to 256 members
  • There have been 3 App-ID (layer-7 distributed firewall) added: SYMUPD (Symatic LiveUpdate traffic), MAXDB (MaxDB SQL traffic) and GITHUB (Git version control traffic)
  • The User-ID functionality (layer-7 distributed firewall) can now also be used on Windows 2012 and Windows 2012R2.

Another awesome release with some useful things. For the full release notes, check below.

Release Notes:
Download Page:


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  1. What happened to NSX Edge and Logical switch icons under the Network and Security tab? Why they don’t show up?

    • Martijn

      December 1, 2018 at 10:50

      The HTML5 interface does not include the Edges yet, so use the vSphere Web Client for managing those for now.

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