
Introducing AI Spend: AI API Usage Monitoring Made Easy

As an AI enthusiast who has built multiple AI products, I know the importance of tracking OpenAI API costs, identifying abuse instances and preventing runaway apps. While there are several tools available that enable you to see your API usage by entering the API key, I wanted an effortless and passive monitoring tool to keep track of my API usage.

Keeping this in mind, I developed AI Spend – an intelligent monitoring tool that synchronises your API usage per model in cost, tokens, and requests in an encrypted database. With this tool, you can effortlessly control the costs and … Read more

Using OpenAI’s [free] Content Moderation API

By now, everyone knows about ChatGPT, GPT itself, and OpenAI. However, OpenAI is more than GPT: you can use their API to do image generation, speech to text, and text moderation assessments. This post is about their text moderation API, as I’ve recently discovered it’s free.

The idea is to use the moderation API to decide whether the rest of OpenAI’s models would accept the input text, but it can be used on its own as well. It might change in the future, but moderation API calls are not metered against your bill. 

Why would you want to … Read more

Using OAuth for VMware Cloud Authentication

API calls towards VMware Cloud are typically done using refresh tokens. Most examples you can find about the VMC API are around refresh tokens. These are personally bound to a VMC user. Which makes sense, you are doing something (creating an SDDC, or getting info, etc.). But, what if you’re building a service against VMware Cloud and need all API calls not to be bound to an individual? That’s where OAuth apps come in.

I wanted to document my tinkering to get an OAuth app to work and retrieving information around SDDCs, using that way of authentication. 

Create OAuth App

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NSX-T Manager: Increasing API requests per second

By default, the NSX-T Manager has a protection mechanism in place to prevent the API from being overloaded. This is a good thing, protecting the NSX-T Manager.

But, the increasing integrations into NSX-T, make it so that more and more products are using the NSX-T API to monitor or configure NSX (vRealize Network Insight, vRealize Operations, vRealize Automation, etc.). I’ve hit this limit several times and needed to push that limit up. 

The API Guide states that the default maximum API request number is 100 per second. In the guide, there’s a reference to the API call to change the … Read more

vRealize Network Insight 4.1 – What’s New – API Edition

While I have all new features and awesomeness of the new version of vRealize Network Insight; 4.1, covered in my official VMware blog post (still can’t believe I get to post there 😀 ), I thought I’d also cover what’s new in the API. As it’s quite a lot!

With Network Insight 4.1, the API version was updated to 1.1.1.

New Data Source Types

All the new data sources in 4.1 have also been made available in the API and all missing data sources from the 4.0 have also been added. This means you can add and otherwise manipulate F5 … Read more

Postman Collection for vRealize Network Insight APIs

When developing automation and using APIs, Postman is a very welcome tool. I use it to test out API calls and to make sure I format the calls correctly, before translating it to the code of whatever I’m working on.

Postman Collections are a library of API calls and all their available options for easy and quick access to every call you often use.


I’ve been using a half-baked Postman Collection for the API calls I’ve been doing to Network Insight, in order to develop PowervRNI and other things. It wasn’t complete by a long shot.

Earlier this … Read more

Getting Started with the NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud API

As with any proper Software-Defined solution, NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud has an API to automate against. To be precise, the Orchestrator has an API to automate against. As you might have read in my post about the NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud Basics, the Orchestrator is the centralized management interface of the SD-WAN.

The Orchestrator provides you with a JSON-RPC API, which means you call it over HTTPS. It’s not a RESTful API, as all calls go through a POST query and authentication is handled in a somewhat strange way (more on that later). There are about 140 API endpoints … Read more

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