
Getting Started with the NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud API

As with any proper Software-Defined solution, NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud has an API to automate against. To be precise, the Orchestrator has an API to automate against. As you might have read in my post about the NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud Basics, the Orchestrator is the centralized management interface of the SD-WAN.

The Orchestrator provides you with a JSON-RPC API, which means you call it over HTTPS. It’s not a RESTful API, as all calls go through a POST query and authentication is handled in a somewhat strange way (more on that later). There are about 140 API endpoints … Read more

vRealize Automation and NSX with App Isolation: Internal error

My colleague Erik Scholten (vRealize specialist) was building a demo environment for a customer this week. In this environment, he wanted to demonstrate vRealize Automation (vRA) in all its glory and have NSX coupled to it so vRA could use NSX to micro-segment rolled out blueprints using the App Isolation option.

NSX is pretty easy to get off the ground for first use, which he did himself with ease. All that’s needed for one to be able to use the distributed firewall to micro-segment, is to deploy NSX Manager, connect it to vCenter and prepare the ESXi hosts. NSX was … Read more

vRealize Network Insight 3.8 – What’s new in the API?

One of my favorite products has just dropped a new version. vRealize Network Insight 3.8 (vRNI) has just hit the downloads and has a bunch of cool new stuff.

vRNI 3.6 introduced a public API with which you can do most of the day-2 operations. vRNI 3.7 didn’t bring any changes to the API, but 3.8 does. Below are the changes in the API version 1.1.0.

Fetching info in bulk

Version 1.0.0 had endpoints to grab information from entities (VMs, hosts, firewall rules, etc), but it was a bit tedious. You had to request a paged list of entities … Read more

Using PowerNSX to get all routes on NSX Edges

This is going to be a short one! I received an interesting question from Sander Martijn about retrieving all IP routes from an NSX Edge. There is no API endpoint available in NSX to get the current routes and the only way this information can get retrieved is using the NSX Central CLI. You can easily see all routes on the Central CLI by using the command: show edge edge-id ip route.

PowerNSX has an Invoke-NsxCli cmdlet which executes the Central CLI with a specific query. Because of this, you can retrieve the routes with a PowerShell script and … Read more

Learning NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud – Orchestrator Configuration Basics

This post is a part of my NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud series to dive deeper into the acquisition of VeloCloud by VMware, late last year. In an earlier post, I explained the concepts behind the architecture of NSX SD-WAN and with this post, I will dive into the VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) to see what you need to configure to generate an SD-WAN network. Please note that the Orchestrator can be used to monitor and troubleshoot the SD-WAN as well, I will cover those topics in a future post.

NSX SD-WAN Architecture - Orchestrator

VeloCloud Orchestrator (VCO) – What is it?

The VCO is the management … Read more

NSX-v 6.4.1 Released – Extended HTML5, vSphere 6.7 support & more

NSX for vSphere 6.4.1 has been released and it brings a couple of good nuggets. Most of all, it is now compatible with vSphere 6.7 – so if you want to go to vSphere 6.7 and NSX was holding you back, start your upgrade engines!

HTML5 UI Extended

It fills me with joy to see this happening – 6.4.1 brings a bunch of new functionality to the HTML5 UI instead of the old vSphere-Client UI. The additions are:

  • Distributed Firewall Management
  • The Service Composer: Security Groups, Policies and Tags.
  • SpoofGuard Management
  • IPFIX Configuration & Flow Monitoring
  • Groups & Tags: all
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Learning NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud – The Basics

This post is a part of my NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud series to dive deeper into the acquisition of VeloCloud by VMware, late last year. I’ve had the privilege to play around with the virtual appliance for a couple of months with a physical appliance on the way. Expect more details in this series. ?

The upcoming chapters are building up the components that are in the VeloCloud portfolio and the components that you need to know.

Edge Appliances

An Edge Appliance is a physical or virtual appliance which is in the data path of your network traffic. It typically … Read more

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